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Viale Monfenera 7C/7D - Treviso 

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28 School Lane Prenton -Cheshire 

+44 7806 772235 

28 School Lane Prenton -Cheshire 

+44 7806 772235 

All Right Reserved 2023 - Sito web realizzato da Flazio Experience

All Right Reserved 2023 - Sito web realizzato da Flazio Experience




Cloud infrastructure for the e-commerce of Photo-Products

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Solid central infrastructure capable of serving and supporting your business

More and more business is going online. 
This requires a solid central infrastructure capable of servicing and supporting this type of business. 
ALIMPIX offers an Online Cloud Infrastructure that is centralising and providing various core functionalities that form the heart of any innovative digital imaging business: central pricing, Voucher/Promotions handling, online payment handling, image rendering, order routing, email notifications,  order transmission to the printing partner.
Our Cloud Infrastructure is fully hosted on high-performance servers, ensuring availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  This means no investments in hardware for our Customers are needed, nor they have to worry about system performance as their business grows and order volumes fluctuate.


database service

Database services

Data of the Internet printing provider referring to:


  • Consumers, 
  • Products, formats and design templates,
  • Prices,
  • Vouchers/promotions,
  • Stores,
  • and other,

are centrally stored and managed. 

ordering clients

Integration with Ordering Clients

The Cloud infrastructure ensures integration with the various types of ALIMPIX solutions that Consumers can use to order photo-products online and manages  the exchange of information and data during the various phases of the ordering process. 


Pricing  service 

A powerful and sophisticated "pricing engine" is available to enable any type of price calculation: by quantity, by various formulas, by date, by promotion code, by event, with or without additional fixed costs, etc..

vouchers _ promotions

Vouchers/Promotions service

A Vouchers/Promotions service allows to create and handle various  types of commercial offers and promotions that may be limited to a time period, or to a family of products, or linked to a one time use voucher code, or to the amount of the purchase, etc.

rendering service
payment options

Payment service

Rendering service

Every single product submitted to the ALIMPIX online infrastructure, through the various ordering clients, be it a single print or a complex product with multiple images, is processed to render Consumer’s image as per paging instructions given at ordering time and is delivered to the fulfillment company as ready to print, without any need of further manipulation.

The Cloud Infrastructure provides the ordering client software with a simple, consistent payment interface which will ensure on-the fly access to various popular payment systems: PayPal, Google Checkout, WorldPay, Ogone and others.

routing service
emails service

Routing service

E-mail notifications service

A centralized emailing service takes care of notifying Consumers about the various  phases of the order, from acceptance, through production, until delivery.

The Cloud Infrastructure can accept orders from any remote client: offline clients, web-sites, Kiosks, Order stations, etc. 
The system will route orders to the appropriate fulfillment Labs according to custom rules based on product mix and/or brand. 

inlab workflow

Integration with In-Lab workflow

Cloud and In-Lab services are made available to pull orders from central server down to production Laboratory. 
Orders are forwarded in XML format  to the Lab digital workflow system for automated login registration and batched production.


Back-office services

A variety of services are available for the ordering site data maintenance as well as order consultation, tracking and analysis:


  • Data maintenance of products & design templates, prices, promotions, stores,  
  • Orders Tracking,
  • Sales analysis.

Do you want to receive more information?

We are available in chat, by phone or via whatsapp.

Request a telephone contact today, we will reply as soon as possible providing you with all the details of your request.

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