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+39 0422 435234

Viale Monfenera 7C/7D - Treviso 

+39 0422 435234

28 School Lane Prenton -Cheshire 

+44 7806 772235 

28 School Lane Prenton -Cheshire 

+44 7806 772235 


Digital Workflow Control System for Photo Laboratories

All Right Reserved 2023 - Sito web realizzato da Flazio Experience

All Right Reserved 2023 - Sito web realizzato da Flazio Experience

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The Server system that provides full production workflow handling of digital orders in Photo Laboratories.

It guarantees full automatic handling of digital orders with minimal operators’ interventions.
A very modular and flexible architecture open to integrate and process any third party digital orders provider.
Available in 3 Editions: Lite, Standard, Enterprise based on Laboratory sizes.

open architecture

Open system architecture 

Open to the processing of digital orders coming from any type of input source and any third party provider: FTP providers, different kiosk manufacturers, Home users, Internet providers, Portal providers, etc.


Pre-pricing orders on entry 

Digital orders are automatically logged in, on entry to the Lab, and priced to the resale partner (Internet Photo Provider, Photo Retail store, etc.) without any manual input, based on the order information accompanying the digital images.  


Orders splitting

Function used to split incoming orders, accordingly to pre-defined split rules, into several sub-orders based on production reasons. 
The split originates a mother order and daughter orders and the complete family composition is stored within the system.
In case of Print orders, including multi-formats, the split is based on paper size, to allow separate and distinct processing/printing, pricing and dispatching.


Images rendering  

A dedicated service to pre-process and compose all orders’ objects (images, texts, backgrounds, foregrounds, etc.), on entry into the Lab, and to render them into final images ready for printing, based on predefined Templates per product.

production optimisation

Production optimisation

All digital orders entering into the Lab from the various input sources are pre-analysed in order to create homogeneous batches to maximise the throughput and the productivity, based on machinery characteristics.  


Envelope/Work sheet printing 

Possibility to print different envelope/worksheet styles by Customer.  Multi-printers and multi envelope/worksheet formats are fully supported.  In case of Print orders produced in batches, the sequence of the printed envelopes/worksheets  matches always the sequence of paper roll printing. 
Furthermore, thumb-nails of Customers’ images and icons of ordered services are printed on the envelopes/work sheets for easier order recognition and production checking.

pdf output

PDF output

Possibility to convert incoming images into PDF format, based on predefined Templates per product, for compatibility with printing equipment accepting only PDF input.

icona stampante

Equipment compatibility

Compatible to all major MiniLab brands, to equipment working on batch, to Book printers,  Plotters and Sublimation printers.


Re-assembling of split orders

Function used to re-attach orders that were split, at login time. This function will ensure that logging-out a split order can only takes place when all sub-orders have been fully finished in production.

order status notifications

Order status notifications 

In case of Internet orders the system can provide automatic status notifications, at order entry, as confirmation of receive, as well as on exit, when the production is finished, to either the Internet Photo Provider or to the End Consumers.

Do you want to receive more information?

We are available in chat, by phone or via whatsapp.

Request a telephone contact today, we will reply as soon as possible providing you with all the details of your request.

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